Virtual Teen Workshop – Singled Out: Racism & Your Mental Health


Our society is a “salad bowl” of different races.  Everyone looks differently and sometimes people get judged solely based off their appearances.  Being told negative things about oneself because of the color of their skin can have a deep impact on their mental well-being.  This workshop addresses racial imbalances that can occur in our environment […]

Virtual Teen Workshop – That’s Not Who I See in the Mirror: Body Dysmorphia


Most people worry about how they look at some point. Sometimes obsessing over their weight, their make-up, or a particular body part. But when does worry cross the line and turn into Body Dysmorphic Disorder? Learn and understand early signs of Body Dysmorphia before they lead to eating disorders or other mental health conditions. Learn […]

Virtual Teen Workshop – Stress Less


This workshop defines what stress is and the different types of stress we all feel, which can vary from happy to traumatic. A big question is, why do we get stressed? What causes our minds to stress? Stress has negative impacts on your mental health and physical health. This workshop offers tips on how to […]